The second partner meeting of the project INTERCULTURALITY – MOBILITY was hold in Rinova’s office in London from June 25 till 28th.
Eurocircle is coordinating this two-year project (01/10/2016 to 30/09/2018), which brings together 5 European partners CESAT and ERIFO in Italy, MMC in Cyprus and RINOVA and EAL Academy in the UK.
The main objective of the project is to support and foster the social inclusion and integration of young adults / ethnic / migrant communities / marginalized groups through mobility programs. This objective will be achieved through the development and validation of an intercultural competence framework for Vocational and Educational Training Providers to improve the delivery of mobility programs in the EU.
On the agenda of the meeting were :
- The presentation of the national comparative study led in each national context in order to identify the needs of VET providers
(the summary and transnational chapter will soon be available online)
- The development of the cultural competence framework in 3 modules that will be integrated into the training package for VET providers:
- Develop effective cultural awareness ;
- Develop and manage VET intercultural mobility program ;
- Utilise appropriate strategies and tools to recognize and validate participant learnings through VET intercultural mobility experiences.
Partners will meet again in early February in Italy to complete this training package.
For more information: http://www.intercultural-mobility.eu/en/home/
To be continued !