Interculturality mobility: A new Erasmus+ Project starts

A new ERASMUS+  project is launched. This 2 year project will gather six European Organizations specialized in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of VET activities and programs.
The project context takes into consideration the assessment that VET mobility programs and qualified VET providers can facilitate the social integration / inclusion of minority ethnic people across EU and the identification of the necessity to build a safe space for young adult from marginalized groups to foster their professional integration.

The main objective of the project is to support and foster social inclusion and integration of young adult people / ethnic communities / migrants / marginalized groups through mobility programs.
This goal will be achieved via the development and validation of intercultural competence framework among VET professionals to improve the delivery of VET mobility programs in the EU. The project will focus on the development of  professional profile of the Intercultural VET Provider, who have to be able to provide quality training programs in multicultural environment. All EU citizens, for a better social integration, should be equipped with the required cultural competences to be able to adapt and be more effective when they are faced with working/learning across different cultures in different geographical settings.

The 1st meeting took place in Marseilles, France on 20th and 21st Of October. During the meeting all the Intellectual Outputs were discussed and agreed with emphasis on the 1st Output which is a comparative research aiming to provide a detailed and comparative overview of cultural based-competence in VET professionals/providers’ activities and profile across the partners’ countries.


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